
40, Swindon, Великобритания

The Estonian language isn't easy, but if you really want to learn it then you can. You need two things for the language: 1) Passion and 2) work ethic.

The first question answers why you want to learn a language that spoken in a small country in a Baltic region namely, Estonia. First, you must be a language lover. Second, Estonian language is a beautiful when we consider its sounds. Third, Estonia is a small and peaceful country where the landscape is gorgeous. In 2012, I travelled between Tallinn and Tartu and I fell in love with its beauty and…

40, Swindon, Великобритания

I first came to Tallinn in summer of 2012. I was on my own and I did not know anyone apart from a female I met on here.

She was not my female friend. We just talked on here and there was no string.

I did not come to study because I already completed my studies at that time.

And I did not come for work.

I was interested in the Estonian culture and females.

When I took the coach to Tartu, I forgot about the females. So, since then, I've been focusing on Estonian nature.

By looking back, I remember…

40, Swindon, Великобритания


Socially closed
Honest - sometimes!

For more information, go to axmedbahjadestonia.wordpress.com

40, Swindon, Великобритания

We the people love celebrity. We all have sport personality, television personalities, politicians, advertisers, actors and talkshow hosts we admire. We imitate their lifestyle and wish we’d become like them.

In reality, they are social puppets. If we really knew their lifestyle well, not the screen acting lifestyle, we’d feel sorry for them.

Think for yourself. Live your life.

40, Swindon, Великобритания

WE all know that Estonia, along with Latvia and Lithuania, is commemorating 100 years of independence - 1918 2018.

We must ask - what does it mean for the people who work 12 hours a day and get little salary? Why do they celebrate?

This celebration is for the rulers. Not for the people of Estonia.

This Independence Day we must ask the leaders to raise the salary and take care of the elderly people. Improve the lives of the citizens.

40, Swindon, Великобритания

Ma usun neid ridu kirjutades usna kindlasti, et ma armastasin teid juba enne meie tutvumist, ainult et ma veel ei teednud, et just teid see olete, keda ma armatan

While I am writing these lines, I believe quite strongly that I loved you before we met; only that I did not know that it was you, whom I love.

This is a quotation of Anton Hansen Tammsaare. I'm beginning to like Estonian literature and I want to read Tammsaare's book: Truth and Justice - Tõde ja õigus.

40, Swindon, Великобритания

Estonians are different than the English folks. I refer to the social psychology. Estonians are quiet. English people are outspoken.

One will hardly see people shouting in public places unless they are Russian, Finnish or British. In England, people talk loudly in the marketplace. It is considered normal. In Estonia it is the opposite.

Estonians work 12 hours a day (while receiving minimum salary), in England people work only 8 hours per day and get decent wages. Despite of the salary differences, Estonians, in general, are happier. In England most people aren’t. How could that be so?

In Estonia, people are…

40, Swindon, Великобритания

Estonia has a population of 1.3 million according to the census of 2012.

40, Swindon, Великобритания

Theologians, psychologists and philosophers have tried to answer that question for centuries, but find it difficult!

The mind of a woman is mystery. No-one knows what women want in life. Even women themselves do not know what they want.

When I say that I mean by that they want something this minute and do not want that thing next minute!

Confusion is one of the best friends of women.

40, Swindon, Великобритания

Have you ever asked yourself why thousands of relationship between men and women are coming to an end?

There is no secret that I love women! They are beautiful creatures. I love some women because they have beautiful personality. So I’ve always wanted to understand them as humanly as possible!

Recently, I embarked on a journey to understand why a relationship collapses and find solution for it — so we can avoid the mistakes of those before us and make our relationships work better! In our time, the community does not exist. People are too shy to interact with…

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