Time To Say Goodbye
37, Пярну, Эстония

You know that you can´t ignore the pain
Come back and stay with me again
You´re so so lonely
But who´ll stop the rain in your heart
Who don´t tear it all apart
The one and olny
It´s you my heart is beating for
I love you more and more

Don´t say it´s time to say goodbye
Deep inside my heart would die
Passing through the night

Don´t say it´s time to say goodbye
It´s not too late for a new try
Love me day and night

Call me and I´ll be there just for you
If you love me,please let me know
What love can do
Don´t kill this love´s burning fire
You´re my one desire
It´s so true
It´s you my heart is beating for
I love you more and more

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