So Hard To Get You Out Of My Head
37, Пярну, Эстония

I´m looking out the window,I can see the rain
My wounded heart filled with hurt and pain
And I listen to the wind blowing cold outside
Remembering the last night when love died
And I just don´t know what to do now
But the olny thing I really know
That I can´t stop loving you

It´ll be so hard to get you out of my head
And thinking about you will drive me mad
Can´t you see what you mean to me

It´ll be so hard to get you out of my head
And thinking about you will make me sad
Can´t you see I love you truely

My heart feels by now just like a dying flame
I close my eyes and think about you again
Just as the lonely night pass by,I´m so alone
Remembering the nights we had on my own
Someday you will see my love is true
But it´s up to you

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