MakiKitic's blog

35, Belgrade, Σερβία


Made a wish, I can dream
I can be what I want to be
Not afraid to live life
And fulfill my fantasies

I learnt a lot of tricks to help me live my life
You helped me find my paradise
When you came, you were like

Sunshine through my window
That's what you are
My shining star
Making me feel
I'm on top of the world
Telling me I'll go far

Reaching out, for new heights
You inspired me to try
Felt the magic inside
And I felt that I could fly
I'm looking at the world in an optimistic light
You made me appreciate my life
'Coz when you came you were like

Sunshine through my window
That's what…


Nemas ideju dok svakog trenutka,
rastes u meni
gotovo sam postal nezamenjiva

Jos uvek se nalazim u tvom glasu
dala sam ti dusu da bi ti
saptala o ljubavi

Ти и ја,
izgubljeni u snu
ne zelim se probuditi
Ти и ја, I da nema vremena
opet bi sa tobom

Tugu sam odbacila
menjam boju
I od tada je sve tako nevino,
I mogu da budem sve sto pozelis

Zelim da zivim u
Na tvojim rukama
A umreti na tvojim usnama

Ti i ja izgubljeni u snu
iz kojeg se ne zelim probuditi
ti i ja i da nema vremena
opet bih sve sa tobom

Ја sамо zeliim da ti dam


She was standing there by
The broken tree
Her hands are all twisted
She's pointing at me
I was damned by light comin'
Out of her eyes she
Spoke with a voice that
Disrupted the sky
She said walk on over here
To the bitter shade
I will wrap you in my arms
And you'll know you've been saved
Let me sign





Ljudi su kao avioni




Gde smo mi...

Mi cekamo

Da uzletimo u necije nebo

da letimo...letimo...i na kraju sletimo....

a avionu puno sudbina ....

samo jedna greska i ....

Muk ....

U tisini se sve cuje...

Svaki muk...dodir...misao...pitanje....

Proces zivota....

Dodjes na svet,zivis,odes...

Dosao si , video si otisao si...

Kao avion

Uzletis jakoooooo visokoooo... letiiiiiiiiiiis... i BAAAAAAAAM...SLETIS....

by Maki Kitic


Girl that brings you down, down, down

Don't give yourself away
Don't live your life that way
Of course he's gonna say, anything you want
Then leave quicker than he came
Now you've got yourself to blame
Don't put yourself back in the fire again

It's the same damn things your so quick to believe
You do it over and over again
And it's the same mistakes that I'm watching you weave
You do it over and over again
So before they bring you down

You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything
You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything

Girl that brings you down, down, down

Please don't be…


I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings
My angel Gabriel

I can love
But I need his heart
I am strong even on my own
But from him I never want to part
He's been there since the very start
My angel

Bless the day he came to be
Angel's wings carried him to me
I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings
My angel
My angel
My angel

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