Angel Love
37, Pärnu, Estonia

Tonight I´m crying again-I´m so alone
I´m still crying cause you´re still gone
Oh last night your sweet lips said hello
Oh they meant goodbye tomorrow
Girl,you were to me the nearest thing to heaven
But you´re always running back to him

I thought you are my angel love
And I listened to your lonely heart
I thought you are my angel love
I can´t promise you a brandnew start

I believed you are my angel love
You broke up my heart last night
I believed you are my angel love
I don´t know now what´s wrong or right

I still remember your love was full of passion
Last December our love was last obsession
Now if I could throw those years away
But you knew the words I didn´t say
Girl,you were to me the nearest thing to heaven
But you´re always running back to him

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