Aive 12. February 1970 (54), Rakvere, Estonia Was online less than a month ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in guys aged from 45 to 62
  • I speak estonian.
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  • 172 cm
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  • 11.02.2015
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Total votes: 404

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Estonia: 1th position
30.12.2019 21:31
Rakvere: 1th position
30.12.2019 21:31
Her quizzes
  • What changes do you need? The test will show that it's time to change in life
    • Where you should reconsider your life is in the personal sphere. After all, this is where you have the most situations when you have to get upset and disappointed in people. Your trusting nature often stumbles upon those individuals who do not deserve too much trust and make you suffer. Perhaps, when starting a relationship, you do not need to plunge into them but to get to know the person. In other words, you should learn to feel the difference between what is said and what is done, perhaps that's when everything will work out....
  • What causes reluctance in the opposite sex? Find out what can push you away from person once and for all
    • Many people are irritated by people with high self-esteem, including you. therefore if already at the first acquaintance you [__ separator__] notice that a man decided that he is the most wonderful in the whole world and everybody including you, should lie at his feet, then the further interest to communicate with such a person disappears. Low self-esteem, of course, also does not bear in itself anything good. You will always look for a "normal" man and you are attracted not only by look but also by soul...
  • Your tendency to cheat The test will show how faithful you are
    • Oskad olla tõeliselt truu. Suhtes olles Sa isegi ei vaata teiste poole, sest Sul on oma armastatud partner olemas. Petmine on Su enda põhimõtete reetmine ning Sa ei suudaks endale kunagi andestada. Loomulikult eeldad sama suhtumist ka oma partnerilt ning kui mingil põhjusel peaks hakkama usaldus murenema, tunned, et midagi head tulemas ei ole. Kui Sul on kindel partner olemas, ei ole Sul silmi enam teiste jaoks.
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